Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Desires of Our Hearts

Wow world! Today is my 1 year mark in the mission! I can't believe it's here!
Yesterday we had a meeting called Zone Meeting. I was privileged to give a training on whatever I felt inspired. Now the training was great because I felt the Spirit guide my nervous self. But the best part of the Zone Meeting was towards the end when I received revelation concerning how better teach the Atonement of Jesus Christ... which if you read my blogs, you know how important that's been and how challenging! This is the inspiration I've been given.

For so long I felt like it was my duty to make someone understand the beautiful blessings of the Atonement, but really it will never make sense until you experience it yourself!
Most of us know that Jesus Christ died on the cross for us and was resurrected the 3rd day. But most of us don' understand it in our hearts, it's just a story or fact.

I realized that it is all about desire. Do we desire to truly know the cleansing power of the Atonement? What are we willing to do to feel it? The Savior has already done his part and now continues to stand with His arms wide open.

Did you ever go into something half paced? Did you ever go into something with full desire at full force? What was the difference? What change could come from the sincerity on our part?
Like this experience you had, it's the same with the atonement of Jesus Christ, it depends on us, our desire, sincerity, effort, energy to know if it can literally heal and change you. He's just waiting for you to drink from his well. He is waiting for you to let him in your heart. If you haven't felt the power of the atonement work through you, it's not because you are too far gone or because it's not real.. The atonement is infinite and eternal. It has no bounds. The atonement of Jesus Christ can reach into any depth of darkness or despair and pull you out And heal you. It's going to take desire, faith, and effort, but I promise you that when you are sincere and in desperation to know His love and cleansing power, He will show you. I know it's not just a story, because I've lived it, He's changed me, healed me, and touched my heart. I once was lost, but now am found.

** to learn more about the healing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, please contact me or your local missionaries. or Me

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