Saturday, October 12, 2013



People talk about faith all the time, but what is faith? Is faith simply believing or is it an action? 

"Desire is a particle of faith that develops within us as we experience divine truth. It is like spiritual photosynthesis. The influence of the Holy Ghost, acting on the Light of Christ within every human being, produces the spiritual equivalent of a chemical reaction—a stirring, a change of heart, or a desire to know. Hope develops as particles of faith become molecules and as simple efforts to live true principles occur."

In the Book of Mormon in the book of Alma chapter 32, Alma the prophet compares faith to a seed. There is a lot to learn from this chapter, here are few things I learned from this chapter:
1. That we only need a particle of faith to come to gain faith and come to know something, that particle of faith is desire.
2. Faith is in things not seen.
3. If it is a good seed, your bosom will burn and your mind will be enlightened.
4. Faith means action, you must experiment upon the things that you desire to know.

5. Desire becomes faith, faith becomes knowledge.
6. Having a knowledge in one thing, doesn't mean our nourishing and growing stops.
7. When we neglect the plant, it will dwindle aka when we neglect our faith, it dwindles.
8. Just because undernourished faith dwindles, doesn't make those things any less true.

9. It takes diligence and patience to nourish the word.
10. After our patience and long-suffering we receive the reward.

"As patterns of obedience develop, the specific blessings associated with obedience are realized and belief emerges. Desire, hope, and belief are forms of faith, but faith as a principle of power comes from a consistent pattern of obedient behavior and attitudes. Personal righteousness is a choice. Faith is a gift from God, and one possessed of it can receive enormous spiritual power."

Sometimes we let our guard down and our faith wavers, but never forget the things you do know! In times of trial, think of the times you felt the Spirit testify and hold your ground! Our faith is tested, but when we are diligent and patient and continue abounding in good works we will receive the fruits of our labors. Stay true to the faith you already have and continue to build upon what has already been built! When in doubt, just look at all blessings and knowledge that you've already received through your faithfulness and continue to nourish your faith! Faith is both belief and action, it can't be one or the other!

Remember that we are spiritual beings on a human experience. It is but a small moment in the eternities.. sometimes that grain of sand looks like a mountain. Lucky for us our faith can move mountains!
"In this Church, what we know will always trump what we do not know. And remember, in this world, everyone is to walk by faith."

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